Apih cafedrive 2025

Inschrijving APIH Cafedrive
Date: Saturday May 10, 2025

Fee: €35,- per pair
A youth player receives a €10,- discount, partnership youth players receive a €20 discount.

More information

The most fun, the oldest in the Netherlands and honestly the only real Cafedrive, we are talking about nothing else but the Groninger APIH Cafedrive!

As soon as you have signed up successfully, you will receive an e-mail with your subscription number and further details about payment.

Gmail addresses occasionally cause problems when they are received by the subscriber. Gmail sometimes independently decides not to receive our mail. However, your registration will be accepted and registered in such a case. If it is possible to register via a non-gmail address, this is recommended. If you have not received a confirmation email 1 day after registration, please contact us.

See you at the bridge table, see you Saturday May the 10th!

ATTENTION: We have shortened the pick up time for the tournament booklets by 30 minutes. We will therefore start play at 11:00am instead of 11:30am as in previous years.

There are currently no more restrictive measures. The government advises people to stay at home if they have symptoms and to isolate themselves if they have corona. So the APIH Cafédrive can be played without any restrictions regarding the hospitality industry.

10:00 am - 10:30 amWalking scheme and tournament booklets pick upWeeva
10:00 am - 10:30 amCoffee, tea and Groninger cakeWeeva
11:00 am - 01:35 pmFirst session (rounds 1-4)Selection of cafés
01:35 pm - 02:45 pmLunchOn your own
02:45 pm - 05:20 pmSecond session (rounds 5-8)Selection of cafés
05:30 pm - 06:00 pmPreliminary results, start protest time and drinks Weeva
05:30 pm - 06:00 pm Official results and award ceremonyWeeva

First name *
Surname * NBB nummer **
E-mail *
Residence Mobile nr
JuniorNee    Ja    
Playing strength * Home bridger Club bridger low level Club bridger Hoofdklasse Regional
First name *
Surname * NBB nummer **
Residence Mobile nr
JuniorNee    Ja    
Playing strength * Home bridger Club bridger low level Club bridger Hoofdklasse Regional
A few questions that help us to adapt in the future.
How have you found this site?

By registering, the participant agrees to the following general terms and conditions:
-The Participant's name will be published in the list of participants and in the results list.
-A limited part of the participant's known data may be shared with the organizer to ensure proper registration and to enable the organizer to communicate with the participant.
-The organization may take photographs during the event for publication and promotional purposes, without any right to compensation to others.

I love to see an invitation email when registering opens next year.

* mandatory (Your mobile phone is not mandatory, but we would really appreciate it if you could provide it. That way we can easily contact you during the day if you are late or anything like that).

** enter -1 if you do not have a Dutch Bridgebond number.

*** There are sometimes prizes for the best Groningen, Frisian and Drenthe couple.


Once you have successfully registered online, you will receive an e-mail with your registration number and other information about payment.


Apih cafedrive 2025

41000M. Ottens (J) - E. PotmaD
41001C. Billiet - B. SpeelmanD
41002I. Greiner - A. DijkhofC
41003J. Booy - H. Schoonbeek - graafD
41004V. van Heeswijk - N. de GrootD
41005W. Jongeneel - P. SjöbergD
41006R. Slagter - I. SlagterC
41007J. Becklén - M. HolmD
41008J. Winkelman - R. KorseD
41009H. Bloem - F. Tichelman1
41010E. Steeneken - J. Langbroek1
41011E. Krist - I. BeijlD
41012S. Vernimmen - N. LanceeC
41014L. Strootman - H. Houtkoop1
41015T. van Wageningen - D. van WageningenC
41016E. Hoeksema - M. RomeijnH
41017M. Jonkman - M. NoormanD
41018M. Leshel - J. WempenH
41019J. Jansen - F. WeverT
41020D. Bulthuis - R. Heijlond van 't hul1
41021I. de Kuijper - J. Sorgdrager1
41022D. Koster - T. van Schaik1
41023W. Burema - R. PannemanC
41024C. Elderman - M. OtterC
41025T. Hellinga - J. WoutersC
41026H. Sissingh - T. Droge1
41027M. Nieuwenhuijsen - W. LammertseC
41028H. van Driel - A. WeisinkC
41029E. Slok soede - G. BiesC
41030J. van Dijk - A. PierikH
41031L. Wagener - J. van der Veen1
41032J. Lobstein - K. LobsteinD
41033R. Piket - S. BalD
41034C. Zuur - J. Pals1
41035L. van Ginkel - A. Homan1
41036A. Roos - T. Wolswijk1
41037T. Meestringa - R. Meestringa- hazelaar1
41038K. Eringa - K. EringaH
41039H. Weerkamp - O. WeerkampD
41040S. Engelsman - E. ZielinskiH
41041D. de Groot (J) - L. van Zomeren (J)T
41042J. de Jong - K. de Jong1
41043J. Stronks - F. van GorpD
41044G. Geertsma - P. BuijsD
41045A. Douma - W. De koningD
41046S. van der Kloet - M. van MansomC
41047D. Kruis - C. van RooijenD
41048G. Klooster - G. Hiemstra1
41049A. Alferink - J. AlferinkT
41050T. Bosma - W. Kuper1
41051B. Crouse - R. StroetH
41052N. Bos willekes - M. WertsC
41053A. Evers - M. Weber1
41054P. Schlebusch - P. te StroeteC
41055M. Roos - A. BuijsmanT
41056C. Rienks - T. van BeverenC
41057W. Groeneveld - G. Ham1
41058H. Kingma - T. OlijrhookC
41059R. Groffen - M. StokC
41060G. Andringa - D. Elderman1
41061C. Westerhof - H. VrijburgT
41062W. Sietsema - R. Pieterson1
41063D. Vermeulen - J. Vriend1
41064C. Reusen - J. WormD
41065R. Berkhout - M. Becker1
41066T. Wagenaar - G. OudT
41067A. Visser - C. KlarenbeekC
41068C. Klein geltink - A. HeesinkC
41069V. Woonings - A. BrongerT
41070M. van den Eeckhout - M. Sondervan1
41071I. Donker - T. Weerkamp1
41072R. Keizer - H. van Gunst1
41073T. Van der veen- mulder - M. MulderC
41074H. Burgerhof - H. Breukelman1
41075B. Duursema - D. Duursema1
41076W. Postma - W. DijkstraC
41077T. Nolle - H. de VisserC
41078W. Hoogland - M. ErichC
41079C. van Haastert - C. Gaarenstroom1
41080R. Peters - J. Oosterhaven1
41081Ã. Svantesson - D. NilssonD
41082D. Oosterhof - P. MartiniC
41083R. Klous - P. StroetT
41084H. Bekkering - S. Bekkering (J)1
41085B. Scholte albers - J. Scholte albers1
41086S. Fontijn - A. TuinbeekC
41087J. Clementsson - K. BellanderD
41088P. Dekker - F. van EngelenH
41089H. Hilarides - L. HilaridesC
41090G. Muijs - M. Muijs1
41091R. Smant - J. Altena1
41092F. Kappetein - M. De graaf1
41093W. Spaans - P. van der SchootT
41094B. Struiksma - E. BeijlC
41095J. van der Kolk - A. van Voorthuysen1
41096B. Hanewinkel - R. Heesink1
41097H. Doornenbal - C. VermaasC
41098E. van Dooren - R. RiewaldD
41099M. de Wit - E. BenniksC
41100K. ten Have - A. HermsenC
41101C. de Meer - P. Westerveld1
41102E. Boelens - J. DijkstraD
41103J. Schuuring - E. Schuuring1
41104A. Galdermans - H. HijmansC
41105D. Schaub - B. FeringaC
41106E. Steenbergen - D. KruimerC
41107P. van den Dries - C. EnzingC
41108I. Platvoet - W. van GentC
41109J. Hegeman - S. PasmaC
41110K. van den Noort - S. BoonmanC

Er zijn toe nu toe 110 inschrijvingen.
9 Home bridger pairs.
36 Club bridger low level pairs.
37 Club bridger pairs.
7 Hoofdklasse pairs.
21 Regional pairs.
4 Junior players.